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WP.1 presentation: Conceptualizing Road Safety Principles in the IoT era
Document GRRF-84-38
20 September 2017

Presentation by the WP.1 chairperson of traffic regulator perspectives on automated driving, cybersecurity, and related subjects.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. (a) | Intelligent Transport Systems: Vehicle automation
8. (b) | Intelligent Transport Systems: Other ITS issues

47. The Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) and GRRF held a joint session to exchange information on the activities of common interest. The event this time was focused on the topics of “secondary activities” and cybersecurity. The participants agreed that these joint sessions are constructive and contribute to a better understanding of the role of the driver in highly and fully automated vehicles. Both chairs agreed to explore possibilities at ITC session in 2018 for holding additional joint sessions in the future.

Relates to 1968 Vienna Convention | Automated Driving |