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Comments on the proposal to update resistance to atmospheric agents testing under Regulation No. 112
Document GRE-70-18
9 October 2013

In document GRE/2011/35, China proposed to update the ‘resistance to atmospheric agents’ test under UN R112 by applying the spectral energy distribution of sunlight as defined in CIE Publication No. 85:1989, Table 4. Following up on its initial response (document GRE-68-41), SAE explains its opposition to the proposal.

Submitted by SAE
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. | Regulation No. 112 (Headlamps emitting an asymmetrical passing beam)

31. The expert from SAE introduced GRE-70-18 providing comments on the proposal by the expert from China (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2011/35). The expert from China withdrew this proposal.

Relates to UN R112 |