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DCAS: Request for guidance on priorities and work plan
Document GRVA-17-25
23 September 2023
Submitted by EC, Germany, and UK
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (a) | Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

78. The representative of the European Commission presented, on behalf of the European Commission, Germany and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, some suggestions (GRVA-17-25) on how to prioritize the work on DCAS. She proposed to finalize the section 5 of the draft regulation, the provisions for systems supporting driver-initiated and driver-confirmed manoeuvres, driver monitoring with both motoric and visual disengagement and in-service reporting. She clarified upon request that in-service monitoring should be, in her view, addressed as a second step, given the complexity of this task. GRVA supported the priorities proposed.

Relates to UN R171 |