GAR 4.0

30 January 2014

Today marks a big step in the evolution of with the release of its fourth version. The new design splits the site content into a basic open version and a “professional” version for those who who want more information. To be or not to be, that is the question….

Splitting GAR into basic and professional versions provides greater clarity over the value of the site to you. Since its launch five years ago, GAR has grown in response to user interests and ideas. And little by little, the time and investment required to keep the site up-to-date both in content and in information technology has grown as well.

So the new site allows me to concentrate the additional content and new features on the professional side and the sign-in system helps me understand whether these extras are useful to you.

For example, in recent years, I have been reproducing meeting reports, making them searchable. In this new GAR version, I have begun linking reports to documents. So on the pro side, you can now click on a document and retrieve related report excerpts. This makes it easier to see at a glance the flow of discussions on a proposal over several meetings.

I find these things useful, but the important question is whether they are helpful to you. So, by enabling you to sign up and also to delete your registration, GAR provides a way to vote up or down on the value of the extra content.

I hope you will take a look at the pro side. Signing up comes without any obligations. Signing up is free. Just click the link in the upper right corner of the screen, add your name, e-mail (for identification purposes only), and a password and you’re done. If you like what you see, great! If not, just delete your profile.

Your response confirms whether GAR is fulfilling its mission of making it easier to follow the development of global automotive regulations.

The World Forum is growing in importance and complexity. WP.29 is central to the EU regulatory system. China and India have become important voices in the development of its global regulations. WP.29 regulations are at the core of the integrated ASEAN automotive market under development. The forthcoming international whole vehicle type approval system includes a reconsideration of fundamental aspects of the Forum’s work. The automotive chapter of the US-EU free trade negotiations hinges on the compatibility of their regulatory systems.

So I believe that there is a lot of potential for delivering more value through GAR.

Your response to this new “GAR 4.0” will underpin the decision on whether to invest more resources in its development. So I hope you will take a look. And, of course, any comments or suggestions for improvements are always welcome.

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