World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 166 | 23-26 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 2.1.
Report of the session of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (WP.29/AC.2)

6. The 118th session of WP.29/AC.2 was held on 22 June 2015, chaired by Mr. B. Kisulenko (Russian Federation) and was attended, in accordance to Rule 29 of the terms of reference and rules of procedure of WP.29 (TRANS/WP.29/690 and Amends.1 and 2), by the Chairs of WP.29 (Russian Federation), GRB (France), GRE (Belgium), GRSP (United States of America), GRPE (Germany), GRRF (United Kingdom), GRSG (Italy), the Administrative/Executive Committees of the three agreements administered by WP.29 (Russian Federation (AC.1), the Russian Federation (AC.4) and the United Kingdom (AC.3)), by the representatives of the European Union, Japan and the United States of America and by the Vice-Chairs of WP.29 (Italy), GRSG (Hungary), GRPE (India) and GRSP (Republic of Korea).

8. The Committee also reviewed the draft agenda for the 167th session of WP.29 scheduled to be held from 10 to 13 November 2015.

9. The representative of Japan briefed AC.2 on the progress of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval System (IWVTA) Group. OICA had submitted a formal proposal to revise paragraph 3 of the frozen text of the revision of the 1958 Agreement. After discussions, the Group had decided not to change the frozen text, but to address the concern of OICA in the revised guidance document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1044 currently under development by the informal group. This issue would be revisited at the September meeting of Subgroup for the 1958 Agreement. The representative also briefed the Committee about the meeting of the Subgroup on UN Regulation No. 0. As a result of the discussions at their meeting, the small group on the definition of vehicle type agreed to introduce a new concept, ‘IWVTA type’ which would group vehicles of a type with the same level of conformity in one IWVTA type. The informal group on the Database for the Exchange of Type Approval (DETA) also agreed on a procedure to produce the relevant vehicle specific data for each vehicle.

10. The secretariat briefed AC.2 on the progress made in identifying a financing option for the DETA. AC.2 supported Germany’s offer to host DETA until the cost for DETA can be included in the UN regular budget. The Vice-Chair of WP.29 advised the Committee that the support of Contracting Parties at EXCOM was necessary in order to gain additional regular budget for financing DETA.

11. The secretariat presented a document providing guidance for preparing amendments to regulations. It furthermore clarified that only documents that have been voted on by AC.1 are legally binding. The representatives of the European Union (EU), Germany and the United Kingdom expressed their desire for further clarification on the definitions of version, revision, amendments as well as series of amendments, supplements and corrigenda.

12. AC.2 considered the possibility of establishing an Informal Working Group (IWG) on visibility, glare and levelling. Germany expressed its interest to chair the group, Poland to be Vice-Chair and OICA the secretary. WP.29 was requested to provide advice on this issue.

13. The secretariat informed AC.2 on the outcome of discussions between the secretariat and the Office of Legal Affairs (OLA).

14. The World Forum adopted the report of the Administrative Committee on its 115th session.

WP.29-166-02 Revised guidelines on amendments to UN Regulations
WP.29-166-05 Proposal to amend Paragraph 13.1. of the draft UN Regulation No. 0 (Russia and EC)
WP.29-166-06 Position of the Russian Federation with regard to Article 3 – Paragraph 2 of the Draft Revised 1958 Agreement (Russia)
WP.29-166-07 DETA financing scheme
WP.29-166-11 1958 Agreement, adopted proposals and situation of their entry into force, 164th session (November 2014)
WP.29-166-12 Future document management for UN Regulations and GTRs to provide better services and higher quality
WP.29-166-15 Draft proposal for UN Regulation No. 0
WP.29/1044/Rev.1 General Guidelines for UN regulatory procedures and transitional provisions in UN Regulations
WP.29/2015/68 Proposal for draft Regulation No. 0 on uniform provisions concerning International Whole Vehicle Type Approval